Presidents Message
Celebrating 60 Years
Do you know what Disney and the American Red Brangus Association have in common? We are both celebrating our 60th anniversary. In my opinion, 60 years in business is quite an accomplishment.
Our association is on solid ground and financially stable. We are one of the few breed associations that own our own building, a beautiful building in a great location that is totally paid for. Our membership numbers continue to grow and our cattle numbers are stable. The American Red Brangus Association is here to stay.
We have Michele Hanson, Office Manager in the Dripping Springs office that is totally dedicated to our association and is doing an outstanding job. I appreciate all she does to serve our members. Any time you have a question or problem call Michele, she is there to help you.
We will hold our annual meeting and sale, Sept. 30-Oct. 1. To consign to the sale, please contact Kurt Trammel at 830-857-4943. Our host hotel will be located in Bastrop, Texas. More details to follow as everything is confirmed.
The following members will be serving as committee chairmen: Breed Improvement & Sale, Kurt Trammel; Junior, Jeanie Engle; Budget & Finance, John Banken; Open Show, Shawn Knox; Public Relations, Ken Peterson; Scholarship, John Fischer and Annual Meeting, Elaine Monaghan. If you would like to serve on a committee, please contact the committee chairman.
At the board of directors meeting in January, the board appointed Kurt Trammel to be our new representative for the American Breeds Coalition Organization. Thank you Kurt.
In closing I would like to say thank you to all our members for their continued dedication and support of our association. I am proud and honored to serve as your president. Please feel free to call me anytime with questions or concerns at 512-293-0421.
Elaine Monaghan