The mating of Brahman and Angus in a commercial setting proved itself superior to straight-bred British cattle. While these commercial matings yielded both red and black progeny, it was the red calves that proved themselves superior in terms of growth, fertility and hardiness. Red Brangus cattle combine the hardiness, disease resistance and unmatched maternal instincts of the Brahman breed with the superior carcass quality, fertility, maternal and milking ability of the Angus.
Registered Red Brangus Cattle are solid red and naturally polled.
The breed is a blend of Brahman and Angus genetics. Because of the world’s varying environmental conditions and the varying goals and needs of cattleman, American Red Brangus Association does not set blood percentages for registration.
This allows the cattle raiser to target the blood percentage necessary for his individual climate, more Brahman for arid and tropic climates or more Angus for colder regions. The Red Brangus breed has documented its ability to adapt from the harsh, cold climates of the Northwestern United States to the arid Southwest and humid Southeast.